by Jim Ruta
There are two ways to be a success in the financial services business: 1. Work like a dog – do it all. 2. The right way – focus your efforts. I just returned from a couple of speaking engagements in Singapore and heard a wonderful story about this. After talking about...
by Jim Ruta
Right after Van spoke in Canada, he and I shared the main platform at the Lone Star Symposium in Houston. I heard his talk and spoke with him for a couple of hours. I know his secret. Let’s be clear though, Van Mueller is a very special sales person. Yes, he says he’s...
by Jim Ruta
The Top 10 Things I learned at MDRT: Some people have overcome amazing odds and still achieved greatness without bitterness. There is something very humbling and motivating hearing about people who succeed greatly despite excruciating circumstances. It makes you...
by Jim Ruta
One company I worked with had a “Pacesetter” campaign every January. The idea was “As January went, so went the year.” It worked very well. When you get ahead of your objectives early, the pressure to perform drops and you can do even better. Be careful of the reverse...