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The Two Key Personal Strategies that Guarantee Business Building Excellence

“High performance is your ultimate objective, whether you are an advisor or a leader of advisors. While the responsibilities and results of both roles are different, the underlying philosophy and strategy must be the same. Here are two key personal strategies that...

How can I make my business more resistant to the next market collapse?

There is one key change you have to make if you want to learn from these challenging times. It’s not particularly new but it is now particularly important. “Written engagement is not optional.” Actually, written engagement has been a regulatory and contractual...

What’s the best way to group my clients?

If the approach is too complicated, you won’t use it. Most systems are. So, few people use them that even if there is any value to the system, it’s lost. Yet, I believe there is value in sorting your clients, as long as you keep it simple. I call it “Clientele...
What can I do to give myself a kick-start at the start of the year?

What can I do to give myself a kick-start at the start of the year?

One company I worked with had a “Pacesetter” campaign every January. The idea was “As January went, so went the year.” It worked very well. When you get ahead of your objectives early, the pressure to perform drops and you can do even better. Be careful of the reverse...

Is there any point in going to motivational seminars?

Is there any point in going to motivational seminars?

It’s almost as if the business banned “motivational speaking” about 20 years ago. Motivational presentations were said to have a “mushroom impact”…a quick puff of performance that would be quickly deflated. They only provided temporary performance increases at best....

What One Piece of Advice I Would Give to a New Advisor?

What One Piece of Advice I Would Give to a New Advisor?

Confucius said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I think the job you love should also be one in which you are well paid and at which you excel. Even as a rookie, that’s the key. Find that one thing you like to do, can do...

It’s Not Easy Being a Financial Advisor.

It’s Not Easy Being a Financial Advisor.

You don’t just wear several hats, it’s like you have to have several heads. Being a financial advisor is probably one of the most challenging businesses in the world – especially today. The financial world is getting more complicated than ever. Clients demand...

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